Many in California are struggling. Economic instability, educational disparities, and racial discrimination are but a few of our social challenges. This is despite California being the most populous state in our nation and having an economy equivalent to the fifth largest in the world.

At the same time, Californians are facing the immediate threats of climate change, water scarcity, forest fires, and sea-level rise. We believe these challenges are a result of an economic framework that remains singularly focused on GDP growth.

We at CalDEC seek to address these issues by bringing the principles of Doughnut Economics into local, regional, and statewide decision-making in California.

Our Purpose

Initiate regenerative and distributive economic systems throughout California, using 21st-century Doughnut Economics thinking.

Our Vision

We envision an economy where the people and ecology of California thrive. Where all the residents of California have adequate shelter, healthy food, quality education, sustainable livelihood, political voice, and other resources to meet their fundamental human needs.

Meeting these needs cannot come at the expense of the natural ecosystems upon which all life depends. Instead, in our vision, the health of California’s water, soil, air, and other living beings are also considered and valued. 

This economy is regenerative and distributive, filled with joy, purpose, and harmony, and contributes to the wider global movement of creating a safe and just space for all of humanity within our planetary limits.

Our Strategy

Create a new economic narrative for California

Raise awareness, develop understanding, and instill passion towards creating transformative change in California, based on the principles of Doughnut Economics


Collaborate with existing changemakers

Connect with like-minded individuals, groups, and organizations aligned with Doughnut Economic principles, seeking to enhance and amplify their work. 



Spark and provide support to Doughnut initiatives and relevant policy changes

Engage in opportunities to influence and contribute to governmental, institutional, and business policy initiatives required for systemic change.